Press Releases

New Rides, Exciting Events, and Updates

Skyline Attractions continuously churns out thrilling ride concepts, innovative experiences, and newsworthy partnerships and products for other theme park industry companies. We share the latest and greatest of all of these exciting happenings in our press releases.

SKYnext 2015 03

SKYnext 2015 a HUGE success

Orlando, Florida, USA – OK, so we’re stealing the HUGE line from one of the well-known speakers we had on the program at our SKYnext event in Orlando. John Arie, Jr. is something of a local celebrity, known for his over-the-top choreographed commercials using Fun Spot employees and his familiar tagline: It’s HUUUUUUGE! John was one of

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Skyline Attractions Strike-U-Up at Fun Spot America 01

Strike-U-Up proven to attract riders, revenue

Orlando, FL, USA – After announcing and introducing their first product in November, Skyline Attractions installed a single unit (two-tower) Strike-U-Up at Fun Spot America in Kissimmee, Florida for a 15-day test of viability in the market. The conclusion is a welcome one for the new company, with the revolutionary ride/game combination producing better-than-expected numbers. John Arie,

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Skyline Attractions

Orlando Amusement Incubator

Orlando, Florida, USA – Orlando is undoubtedly the center of the amusement universe with a higher concentration of amusement parks and amusement related companies than any other location on the planet. The Amusement Incubator was born from a pure passion for the industry by founders Bill Wydra, Chris Gray, Jeff Pike, and Evan Souliere. Bill Wydra, who

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